Lisa E Freedman, My Journal Through Life, is a Lifestyle Blog sharing the details on my adventures, endeavors & passions throughout the course of my life! Enjoy!

Richard Glick | Abstract Modernist Painter

Richard Glick

had the good fortune of growing up with two older sisters one of whom introduced him to Picasso and other 20th Century artists at a very early age. He was then, and continues to be, drawn to the art of the 20th Century. Starting his career out as a furniture and commercial interior designer, Glick often had the opportunity to advise clients on artwork. The art always seemed like the icing on the cake, the part that really made the space sing, he adds. So, it wasn’t long before he became inspired to create the artwork that crowned so many interior spaces.

Glick became a full-time artist creating mostly large-scale, paintings that are often infused with his design sensibilities- balance, color, texture, scale, media and space, while harkening back to the work he has admired his entire life.

Winter Skies, Mixed Media on paper, 2021 by Richard Glick

And yet, his approach to art has evolved over time, and as such, so has his work. I find that embracing art through the lens of maturity and experience profoundly enriches the creative process. As I’ve grown and encountered the various facets of life, I’ve developed a heightened sensitivity to the intricate emotion and subtleties within every brushstroke and painting. This experience has cultivated a deep understanding of color, form and composition, enabling me to connect more profoundly with my artistic intent. My art has evolved to convey layers of memories and emotions, reflecting the tapestry of my life’s journey. It has transformed from being solely a visual delight into a reflective mirror, offering both contemplation and a boundless source of inspiration.

Blocked Tangerine Skies, by Richard Glick

Many of Glick’s paintings are named with the word beyond in their title. Why beyond? I think it’s because I’m fascinated by the primitive and infinite beauty of how I imagine space to be beyond our vision and our own environment. It’s bigger than I am, bigger than we are. But, the realities of a canvas – its edges, lines and borders – serve as a metaphor for the boundaries that I place on myself.

Fillmore Flower, 20 x 21, by Richard Glick

Richard Glick was born in Chicago, where he now lives and works, after having lived
and worked in New York City and Boston. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from
Ohio State University. He has also studied at the Academia di Bella Arti di Perugia,
Italia and the Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris. Additionally, Glick is a
respected member of the contract design and furniture industry, with installations
throughout the United States.

Blue Moons, Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16, by Richard Glick

Glick has exhibited in numerous galleries and art fairs throughout the world,
including: Singulart Paris; Gray Cube Gallery; Light, Space and Time Online Gallery,
where he was awarded an Honorable Mention; Busboys and Poets, Washington, D.C.;
The Other Art Fair, Saatchi, Chicago; and Art Impact International, Washington, D.C.,
Solo Show. His work is on display in many private and corporate collections.

Loud Silence, 18 x 18, by Richard Glick

Glick will be exhibiting at the Affordable Art Fair in New York City this month at the Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011. He will be with the Melhop Gallery, Stand E18. The Fair runs from September 26th thru September 29th, 2024, with a Private View on September 25th.

For more information about Richard Glick, visit his website or Instagram. Glick can be contacted at his Chicago studio (312) 388-3431 or email: [email protected]

Golden Globes, paints, inks and stencils on 16 x 16 in paper, by Richard Glick

For more information about AAF, visit their website: Affordable Art Fair Fall NYC. If you would like complimentary tickets to the show, please contact [email protected].

Unraveling Red, Acrylic, spray paint, inks and stencils on canvas, 30 x 30, by Richard Glick
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