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Don’t Miss Richard Glick at the Affordable Art Fair, Sept 25th thru Sept 29th

Richard Glick

Abstract Modernist Painter, Richard Glick, is the featured artist with Melhop Gallery, Stand #E18, at the Affordable Art Fair in New York City. Glick , a Fine Art Painter from Chicago, Illinois, is exhibiting thirteen paintings with Melhop Gallery. The Fair is being held at the Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011. The Show Opens on Wednesday, September 25th with a Private Viewing from 6pm to 9pm and runs through Sunday, September 29th.

Blocked Pink Skies, by Richard Glick


I am intrigued by the world that gathers around us. My focus is on the earth, planets, stars, spheres, our atmosphere – the universe. Maybe this is an escape for me – to explore other parts of our universe, Glick says.

Many of Glick’s paintings contain the word beyond in them. He adds, Why beyond? I think it’s because I am fascinated by the infinite beauty of how I imagine space to be – beyond our vision and our environment. It’s bigger than I am. But, the realities of a canvas – its edges, lines and borders – are akin to the boundaries I place on myself.

Dusk, by Richard Glick

About his process, Glick says, what interests me is the process of layering materials to achieve a rich texture and depth of the surface of a canvas. From a distance, you see the design – the shapes and the colors – of the paintings. But as you move closer to the surface, you take in the layers peeling through one another and the true depths of the materials. To achieve these effects, I incorporate acrylic and spray paint, gels and stencils on both canvas and paper, bowing often to the great impressionists.

Glick adds, I am trying to take a more modern twist of the Impressionism movement and how nature was so important to their work, in addition to light, movement, textures and brushstrokes. I believe many of my pieces have those elements, but I have added lines showing that we are not always free to explore those borders.

Blocked Tangerine Skies, by Richard Glick

When queried about his technique, Glick says, Sometimes I think adding and removing layers of paint are very similar to my desire, and a societal desire, to hide from the unknown. One moment I want to cover these images, the next I want to reveal them in all their glory. In the end, I am both excited by – and hesitant to enter – the world that exists beyond my control.

Loud Silence, 18 x 18, by Richard Glick

Glick’s works aren’t at all representational. They are emotional and universal – filled with the feeling of space and texture and layers.

Glick concludes, my paintings reflect my experience – the changes I have gone through in my life, the new things, the old things, the past and the present. Each painting is an experience that takes time, it is created in stages. I add and delete elements as I paint and often return to old paintings to recreate and reinvent them. In some ways, I never really see a painting as finished.

In a more recent series of paintings, Glick explores the concept of being Blocked, a feeling that he often experiences, as well as a nod to painter Agnes Martin, whose paintings have long held a fascination for him.

But, like his interest in the Beyond, Glick’s work continues to explore new concepts that continue to capture his interest and are so beautifully translated to his canvases.

Filmore Flower, by Richard Glick

Glick has exhibited in numerous galleries and art fairs throughout the world, including: Singulart Paris; Gray Cube Gallery; Light, Space and Time Online Gallery, where he was awarded an Honorable Mention; Busboys and Poets, Washington, D.C., Solo Show. His work is on display in many private and corporate collections.


Richard Glick was born in Chicago, where he now lives and works, after having lived and worked in New York City and Boston. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ohio State University. He has also studied at the Academia di Bella Arti di Perugia, Italia and the Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris. Additionally, Glick is a respected member of the contract design and furniture industry, with installations throughout the United States.

Richard Glick can be contacted at his Chicago studio (312) 388-3431 or email: [email protected]. His entire collection of paintings may be viewed at or on Instagram @RichardGlickStudio.

Thirteen of Richard Glick’s paintings will be exhibited with Melhop Gallery, stand #E18 at the Affordable Art Fair. The show is being held at The Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011.

For more information about AAF, visit their website. If you would like complimentary tickets to the show, please contact [email protected].

Blocked, by Richard Glick

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